Using a Python dict for a SQL INSERT statement

Solution 1:

I think the comment on using this with MySQL is not quite complete. MySQLdb doesn't do parameter substitution in the columns, just the values (IIUC) - so maybe more like

placeholders = ', '.join(['%s'] * len(myDict))
columns = ', '.join(myDict.keys())
sql = "INSERT INTO %s ( %s ) VALUES ( %s )" % (table, columns, placeholders)
# valid in Python 2
cursor.execute(sql, myDict.values())
# valid in Python 3
cursor.execute(sql, list(myDict.values()))

You're not getting escaping on the columns though, so you might want to check them first....

See for a more complete solution

Solution 2:

You want to add parameter placeholders to the query. This might get you what you need:

qmarks = ', '.join('?' * len(myDict))
qry = "Insert Into Table (%s) Values (%s)" % (qmarks, qmarks)
cursor.execute(qry, myDict.keys() + myDict.values())

Solution 3:

Always good answers here, but in Python 3, you should write the following:

placeholder = ", ".join(["%s"] * len(dict))
stmt = "insert into `{table}` ({columns}) values ({values});".format(table=table_name, columns=",".join(dict.keys()), values=placeholder)
cur.execute(stmt, list(dict.values()))

Don't forget to convert dict.values() to a list because in Python 3, dict.values() returns a view, not a list.

Also, do NOT pour the dict.values() in stmt because it tears a quote out of a string by joining it, which caused MySQL error in inserting it. So you should always put it in cur.execute() dynamically.

Solution 4:

columns_string= '('+','.join(myDict.keys())+')'    
values_string = '('+','.join(map(str,myDict.values()))+')'    
sql = """INSERT INTO %s %s
     VALUES %s"""%(table, columns_string,values_string)