Fill na values in one pandas dataframe's column using another, but using column indices, not names

Use the iloc accessor. Slice using index range to avaoid running into issues.


df1 = pd.DataFrame({'sub_name': [np.nan,'AAB','AAC','BAA','CAA','CAC','CAD','CAE','EAA', 'FAA'], 
'val_1': [2,4,8,7,4,6,2,3,8,3], 


   sub_name  val_1    A
0        2      2  208
1      AAB      4  208
2      AAC      8  208
3      BAA      7  210
4      CAA      4  213
5      CAC      6  213
6      CAD      2  213
7      CAE      3  213
8      EAA      8  222
9      FAA      3  223

You could use bfill with iloc

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[np.nan,2,3],'b':[100,200,300],'c':['x','y','z']})

df.iloc[:,:2] = df.iloc[:,:2].bfill(axis=1)



     a      b  c
0  100.0  100.0  x
1    2.0  200.0  y
2    3.0  300.0  z