Is there an English word for a woman who has recently given birth?
In some cultures, there are lots of customs about a woman who has recently given birth to a baby, such as feeding special fancy meals to her, taking special care of her, and so on for (a certain number of days, e.g. 40 days from baby's birth) and of course there's a well-known word that explains this.
I couldn't find anything in the dictionary and thesaurus and based on my search keywords. Does it exist in English?
P.S.: The term new mother is quite general that won't refer to this certain period just after birth.
Update: I just removed single word request
rag and added word choice
instead. Happy to get more opinions on this question, if any.
Solution 1:
Puerperal - Relating to, connected with, or occurring during childbirth or the period immediately following childbirth. FED
"Puerperal women are especially vulnerable to these effects because....." The link between depression and...
A tumor of the kidney in a "puerperal woman" report the experience of the nursing care provided to ''a puerperal woman".
Puerperium - the period between childbirth and the return of the uterus to its normal size - Merriam-Webster - "A woman in the early puerperium".
Solution 2:
The woman is often referred to as "a new mother".
P.S. I would be reluctant to advise that she be called a "postpartum mother" or a "postpartum woman" because there are bound to be readers who would take that phrase to mean "a woman with postpartum depression". Sometimes writing is much like defensive driving.
The New Mother - Taking Care of Yourself After Birth
Solution 3:
The term postpartum woman would be widely understood and fits, but for the single-word-requests limitation. Not every concept can, or should, be described with a single word.
Postpartum is widely understood, in part, because of the recognition of the phenomenon of postpartum depression and popular coverage of PPD in the media.
Solution 4:
Post-gravid is an alternative to Puerperal that may be more easily comprehended (ymmv):
Used in a research paper, and
Solution 5:
In American culture, I have not heard of a single word that would describe a woman who just gave birth. The phrases I have heard in spoken English has been:
Jane, who is recovering from childbirth.
Jane, who is recovering from the delivery of her son.
Jane, who just had a baby.
All of these expressions I have heard after a woman has had a first baby or subsequent baby.