Converting tomcat logs to CSV using sed [closed]

Using sed

$ sed 's/.*\[\(.*\)]/\1/;1iDateandTime, AccountID, UserID, ClientIP ' file
DateandTime, AccountID, UserID, ClientIP
1587566256,49294,"[email protected]",3237159933,1,0,0,3,"2314","https",443,2899903330,"",0,"","","","","1 - Default Policy","","","GET",4,0,5
1587566256,49294,"[email protected]",3237159933,1,0,0,3,"2339,37788","http",80,387803624,"",0,"","","","","3 - Extended Policy High","","","HEAD",3,0,4

.*\[ - Exclude everything up to the last [ square bracket.

\(.*\)] - Include everything within the parenthesis up to the last ] square bracket

\1 - Return with back reference the contents stored inside the parenthesis

1i - Insert on line 1