How to pass a parameter from useEffect to child component in React?

Solution 1:

Create a state variable with useState.

Modify that variable inside your useEffect hook.

The variable will then be in scope for the rest of your component and you can pass it as a prop.

Make sure you handle the default state from before the effect hook has run (e.g. with a sane default value or a value that indicates a <Loading /> component should be rendered instead of <ChatInput />)

Solution 2:

You can utilize the useState hook to create a variable for storing channelNameData.

import { useState } from 'react';

const [channelNameDataState, setChannelNameDataState] = useState(null)

Inside your useEffect, you can have a line that sets channelNameDataState.


Then you would pass in this state to the child component


As for preventing assignments to the channelNameData variable getting lost, you should be able to combine the useState hook with localState to make sure you can persist state.