json deserialize in Unity C# [duplicate]

I'm new to JSON, and I'm trying to deserialize to a JSON array, but I'm getting an Invalid Value error. Please explain to me what I am doing wrong. Thanks in advance. Below I attach the source code and the JSON file.

using UnityEngine;

public class PageDefinitionTest : MonoBehaviour
public int pageNumber;
public void Start()
    string jsonString = 
    PageDefinition def = JsonUtility.FromJson<PageDefinition>(" 
{\"data\":" + jsonString.ToString() + "}");
public class PageDefinition
public RectData[] data;

public class RectData
public Rect area;

"areaDefinitions": [
  "area": {
    "serializedVersion": "2",
    "x": -3.5999999046325685,
    "y": 2.5143675804138185,
    "width": 7.199999809265137,
    "height": 1.9955297708511353
  "type": 0
  "area": {
    "serializedVersion": "2",
    "x": -3.5999999046325685,
    "y": 0.21950837969779969,
    "width": 7.199999809265137,
    "height": 2.155172109603882
  "type": 0
  "area": {
    "serializedVersion": "2",
    "x": -3.5999999046325685,
    "y": -1.9206972122192383,
    "width": 7.199999809265137,
    "height": 1.5465353727340699
  "type": 0
  "area": {
    "serializedVersion": "2",
    "x": -3.5999999046325685,
    "y": -3.731640338897705,
    "width": 7.199999809265137,
    "height": 1.4966471195220948
  "type": 0
  "area": {
    "serializedVersion": "2",
    "x": 3.5999999046325685,
    "y": 3.362467050552368,
    "width": 7.199999809265137,
    "height": 1.63633394241333
  "type": 0
  "area": {
    "serializedVersion": "2",
    "x": 3.5999999046325685,
    "y": 1.097541332244873,
    "width": 7.199999809265137,
    "height": 2.3746800422668459
  "type": 0
  "area": {
    "serializedVersion": "2",
    "x": 3.5999999046325685,
    "y": -1.5415465831756592,
    "width": 7.199999809265137,
    "height": 2.32479190826416
  "type": 0
  "area": {
    "serializedVersion": "2",
    "x": 3.5999999046325685,
    "y": -3.7466068267822267,
    "width": 7.199999809265137,
    "height": 1.5465354919433594
  "type": 0

I succeeded in JSON serialization, it's simpler than it seems, but Deserialization doesn't work out. Thanks!

you should put the text inside the json file for jsonString not the path to file.

for reading text files you have several options:

1- get from the inspector:

define a TextAsset in your class like this:

[SerializeField] TextAsset myfile;

you can also use Resources.Load(resourceRelativePath) for this

then read the jsonString like this:

var jsonString = textFile.text;

2- have the exact path to file:(read documentation about streamingAssets and PersistentDataPath:

        var jsonString = File.ReadAllText(filePath);