Re-attach an detached div [duplicate]

I have detached a div and want to re-attach it when clicking on a button.

Here's the code:



Any help will be appreciated.

Solution 1:

var el = $('#wrapper').detach();


Solution 2:

I needed a solution that would work even if there are other elements after the target element to detach and then reattach. This means that append may not be reliable because it would move that element back to the end of its parent. I had to use a placeholder which may not be the most elegant solution, but I haven't found another way..

var $wrapper = $('#wrapper')
    , $placeholder = $('<span style="display: none;" />')
        .insertAfter( $wrapper )

    $wrapper.insertBefore( $placeholder );

To make this more reusable, it might be better to wrap it in a jQuery plugin:


    $.fn.detachTemp = function() {'dt_placeholder',$('<span style="display: none;" />')
            .insertAfter( this ));
        return this.detach();

    $.fn.reattach = function() {
            this.insertBefore('dt_placeholder') );
        else if(window.console && console.error)
        console.error("Unable to reattach this element because its placeholder is not available.");
        return this;



var $wrapper = $('#wrapper').detachTemp();

Solution 3:

if you want your item to attach at the beginning of the element you could use .prepend()

otherwise you could attach it using append().

in your case it would be:

var $wrapper = $('#wrapper').detach();

    //ATTACH HERE !!!
    $(this).prepend($wrapper); // or $(this).append($wrapper);

I hope it helps :)

Solution 4:

I think this is largely a matter of recording the index of the element that will be detached, before detaching it, then using that index for determining where to re-attach the element. Consider the following "repl" and the code below. The setTimeout is merely so you can see the element in the page before it gets detached, and a couple of elements have been renamed. I wonder if siblings can be used instead of parent().children() but am concerned what happens in the event the detached sibling is the only element among siblings, and we need a reference to parent anyway, for prepending if index === 0.

setTimeout(function() {
    var bar = $('#bar');
    var parent = bar.parent();
    var index = parent.children().index(bar);


    $("#re-attach").one('click', function() {
        if (index === 0) {
        else {
}, 5000);