SwiftUI: DatePicker/Date() formating

Thanks for all the help but I found an answer here that works very well and is easy.

I used 3 different functions that I ran when I click the button. Then I send them off to firebase with the new values.

func updateDate() {
let selecteddate = scheduleddate //Here it gets the date and saves as another variable
let formatter1 = DateFormatter()
formatter1.dateStyle = .short
//I then made a saved string called newscheduledate to use this new variable anywhere in my project.
newscheduledate = formatter1.string(from: selecteddate) //Here is when it sets the conversion to a string which I used when I sent to firebase.

I then used this piece of code below twice, for the start time, and the end time.

func updateTime() {
let selectedtime = startTime //Here it gets the date
let formatter2 = DateFormatter()
formatter2.timeStyle = .medium
//I have a saved string called newstarttime to use this new variable anywhere in my project.
newstarttime = formatter2.string(from: selectedtime)