Why can't I craft a sawmill?

According to Terraria wiki entry for Sawmill crafting; it requires the following:

  • 10 Wood
  • 2 Iron Bars
  • 1 Iron Chain

As shown in the screenshot below, I'm meeting all the requirements(rather I've more objects than required)


As can be seen; I have 32 wood, 15 Iron bars and 1 Iron chain(3rd row, 5th column). Still no option to craft a sawmill is displayed either on workbench or on Anvil!

Is this a bug?


I should mention that it is a multi-player instance(in case, it has anything to do with the issue).

I notice you don't have cosmetic equipment slots, so I think you must be on an older version of the game.

Sawmills were added in, and social item slots were added in 1.0.4.

I had the same problem. The only way I could make the sawmill was to put the workbench right by the Guide person, talk to him about Crafting, click on one of the sawmill ingridients, and BOOM, it let me make it. Had to do the same with the anvil to make a grappling hook too. Hope that helps.