How can I improve this sorting algorithm?

What I need:

I often need to rearrange multidimensional arrays, especially with timestamps. For that I need a routine, that results in a permanent sort order. Since the data can be huge, it has to be performant as possible.

I would like to have some feedback to my current efforts. I'm trying to understand sorting arrays practical. I'm not a programmer, if possible be patient. :)

I'll appreciate every help/tips! I'm going to learn some new things maybe.

What my efforts are so far:

For the beginning I took the bubble sort algorithm. It does what is needed, BUT its performance is very low. It needs more than 20 seconds for sorting a column within 582 rows and 114 columns.

The code works with single- and multi-column-arrays. I use regular expressions, so keep in mind the little function a the end of the code.

I've commented my code step by step, I hope its still readable.

I know QuickSort would be much faster, but I haven't understand to make this algorithm permanent/stable yet. I've found this solution Sorting a multidimensionnal array in VBA, but as said, its not permanent.

Especially for Excel I know the way to copy an array to a worksheet and to sort it there. My goal is to avoid this solution. :)

'+  BubbleSort_Array
'+  Sort algorithm: BubbleSort
'+  Sorts by: 1. numbers, 2. dates, 3. Zeichenketten (also with consecutive number, e.g. "Book1,Book2,Book3..."; Capital letters before small letters)
'+  Parameter "Data": Requires an array (VARIANT) with one or more columns and rows, by reference
'+  Paramater "Column" is a LONG, follows the counting by "Option Base 0" (first column = 0)
'+  Parameter "Direction" is an EXCEL-based constant, that determines the sortdirection (ascending/descending)
    Public Sub BubbleSort_Array( _
        ByRef Data() As Variant, _
        Optional Column As Long = -1, _
        Optional Direction As XlSortOrder = 1 _
        Dim InnerIndex As Long 'common variable, for the inner loop
        Dim OuterIndex As Long 'common variable, for the outer loop
        Dim SwapItem As Variant 'variable to temporarily save content, that could be swapped with another item
        Dim SwapItem2 As Variant 'variable to temporarily save content, that could be swapped with another item
        Dim ErrNum As Long 'variable for error number of the ERR-object
        Dim lngRow As Long 'common variable for the rows of an array
        Dim lngColumn As Long 'common variable for the column of an array
        Dim colNumber As New Collection 'variable to save a part of digits from an entry
        Dim colText As New Collection 'variable to save a part of text from an entry
        Dim colDates As New Collection 'variable to save dates from an entry
        Dim SortIndex() As Variant 'array for sorting and mapping the specified COLUMN
        Dim CopyData() As Variant 'array for the original data, but sorted
'Check, whether the given array is a one- or multi-column array
        On Error Resume Next
            ErrNum = UBound(Data, 2)
            ErrNum = Err.Number
        On Error GoTo 0
'If there is an error and the parameter COLUMN is still -1 the parameter DATA is an one-column-array
        If ErrNum > 0 And Column = -1 Then

'Outer loop

            For OuterIndex = LBound(Data) To UBound(Data)
'Inner loop

                For InnerIndex = LBound(Data) To UBound(Data)
'Execute the following statement as long the current index is not the last one (it would throw an error 9 by trying to access the next item)
                    If InnerIndex < UBound(Data) Then
'To differentiate between the values
'Check, whether the value and the next value are dates
                        If VBA.IsDate(Data(InnerIndex)) And VBA.IsDate(Data(InnerIndex + 1)) Then
'Save the dates in a temporary collection
                            colDates.Add VBA.CDate(Data(InnerIndex)), "date1"
                            colDates.Add VBA.CDate(Data(InnerIndex + 1)), "date2"
'If both values are not dates, split the value in case it is a STRING with an number at the end
'like "Paper1", "Paper2" etc.
                            colNumber.Add RegEx_Replace(Data(InnerIndex), ".*(\d+$)", "$1"), "current"
                            colNumber.Add RegEx_Replace(Data(InnerIndex + 1), ".*(\d+$)", "$1"), "next"
                            colText.Add RegEx_Replace(Data(InnerIndex), "(.*)\d+$", "$1"), "current"
                            colText.Add RegEx_Replace(Data(InnerIndex + 1), "(.*)\d+$", "$1"), "next"
                        End If
'Check, whether the sortdirection is ascending
                        If Direction = xlAscending Then

'Sort by date

                            If VBA.IsDate(Data(InnerIndex)) And VBA.IsDate(Data(InnerIndex + 1)) Then

'Check the items depending from the sortdirection

                                If VBA.CDbl(colDates("date1")) > VBA.CDbl(colDates("date2")) Then

'In case the first item is bigger then the second, swap the items

                                    SwapItem = Data(InnerIndex)
                                    Data(InnerIndex) = Data(InnerIndex + 1)
                                    Data(InnerIndex + 1) = SwapItem
                                End If

'Sort by strings with consecutive number

                            ElseIf VBA.IsNumeric(colNumber("current")) And VBA.IsNumeric(colNumber("next")) _
                                And (colText("current") = colText("next")) Then

'In case the first item is bigger then the second, swap the items

                                If colNumber("current") > colNumber("next") Then
                                    SwapItem = Data(InnerIndex)
                                    Data(InnerIndex) = Data(InnerIndex + 1)
                                    Data(InnerIndex + 1) = SwapItem
                                End If

'Sort by strings
'In case the first item is bigger then the second, swap the items

                                If Data(InnerIndex) > Data(InnerIndex + 1) Then
                                    SwapItem = Data(InnerIndex)
                                    Data(InnerIndex) = Data(InnerIndex + 1)
                                    Data(InnerIndex + 1) = SwapItem
                                End If
                            End If

'Sort descending


'Sort descending

'Sort by date

                            If VBA.IsDate(Data(InnerIndex)) And VBA.IsDate(Data(InnerIndex + 1)) Then

                                If VBA.CDbl(colDates("date1")) < VBA.CDbl(colDates("date2")) Then
'In case the first item is smaller then the second, swap the items

                                    SwapItem = Data(InnerIndex)
                                    Data(InnerIndex) = Data(InnerIndex + 1)
                                    Data(InnerIndex + 1) = SwapItem
                                End If

'Sort by strings with consecutive number

                            ElseIf VBA.IsNumeric(colNumber("current")) And VBA.IsNumeric(colNumber("next")) And _
                                (colText("current") = colText("next")) Then
'In case the first item is smaller then the second, swap the items

                                If colNumber("current") < colNumber("next") Then
                                    SwapItem = Data(InnerIndex)
                                    Data(InnerIndex) = Data(InnerIndex + 1)
                                    Data(InnerIndex + 1) = SwapItem
                                End If

'Sort by strings
'In case the first item is smaller then the second, swap the items

                                If Data(InnerIndex) < Data(InnerIndex + 1) Then
                                    SwapItem = Data(InnerIndex)
                                    Data(InnerIndex) = Data(InnerIndex + 1)
                                    Data(InnerIndex + 1) = SwapItem
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    Set colNumber = Nothing
                    Set colText = Nothing
                    Set colDates = Nothing

'Resize the array SortIndex for sorting the specified COLUMN
'Needs two columns: One for the index of the original data, and one for the values to be sorted

            ReDim SortIndex(UBound(Data, 1), 1)
            For InnerIndex = LBound(Data, 1) To UBound(Data, 1)

'Save index of the original data

                SortIndex(InnerIndex, 0) = InnerIndex

'Save values of the specified COLUMN

                SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1) = Data(InnerIndex, Column)
'Outer loop

            For OuterIndex = LBound(SortIndex, 1) To UBound(SortIndex, 1)

'Inner loop

                For InnerIndex = LBound(SortIndex, 1) To UBound(SortIndex, 1)

'Execute the following statement as long the current index is not the last one (it would throw an error 9 by trying to access the next item)

                    If InnerIndex < UBound(SortIndex, 1) Then

'To differentiate between the values
'Check, whether the value and the next value are dates

                        If VBA.IsDate(SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1)) And VBA.IsDate(SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1)) Then
'Save the dates in a temporary collection

                            colDates.Add VBA.CDate(SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1)), "date1"
                            colDates.Add VBA.CDate(SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1)), "date2"
'If both values are not dates, split the value in case it is a STRING with an number at the end
'like "Paper1", "Paper2" etc.

                            colNumber.Add RegEx_Replace(SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1), ".*(\d+$)", "$1"), "current"
                            colNumber.Add RegEx_Replace(SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1), ".*(\d+$)", "$1"), "next"
                            colText.Add RegEx_Replace(SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1), "(.*)\d+$", "$1"), "current"
                            colText.Add RegEx_Replace(SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1), "(.*)\d+$", "$1"), "next"
                        End If

'Check the sortdirection

                        If Direction = xlAscending Then

'Sort by date

                            If VBA.IsDate(SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1)) And VBA.IsDate(SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1)) Then
                               If VBA.CDbl(colDates("date1")) > VBA.CDbl(colDates("date2")) Then

'In case the first item is bigger then the second, swap the items

                                    SwapItem = SortIndex(InnerIndex, 0)
                                    SwapItem2 = SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex, 0) = SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 0)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1) = SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 0) = SwapItem
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1) = SwapItem2
                                End If
'Sort by strings with consecutive numbers

                            ElseIf VBA.IsNumeric(colNumber("current")) And VBA.IsNumeric(colNumber("next")) _
                                And (colText("current") = colText("next")) Then
'In case the first item is bigger then the second, swap the items

                                If colNumber("current") > colNumber("next") Then
                                    SwapItem = SortIndex(InnerIndex, 0)
                                    SwapItem2 = SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex, 0) = SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 0)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1) = SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 0) = SwapItem
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1) = SwapItem2
                                End If

'Sort by strings
'In case the first item is bigger then the second, swap the items

                                If SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1) > SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1) Then
                                    SwapItem = SortIndex(InnerIndex, 0)
                                    SwapItem2 = SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex, 0) = SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 0)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1) = SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 0) = SwapItem
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1) = SwapItem2
                                End If
                            End If

'Sort descending
'Sort by dates

                            If VBA.IsDate(SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1)) And VBA.IsDate(SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1)) Then

'In case the first item is smaller then the second, swap the items

                               If VBA.CDbl(colDates("date1")) < VBA.CDbl(colDates("date2")) Then
                                    SwapItem = SortIndex(InnerIndex, 0)
                                    SwapItem2 = SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex, 0) = SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 0)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1) = SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 0) = SwapItem
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1) = SwapItem2
                                End If
'Sort by strings with consecutive numbers

                            ElseIf VBA.IsNumeric(colNumber("current")) And VBA.IsNumeric(colNumber("next")) And _
                                (colText("current") = colText("next")) Then
'In case the first item is smaller then the second, swap the items

                                If colNumber("current") < colNumber("next") Then
                                    SwapItem = SortIndex(InnerIndex, 0)
                                    SwapItem2 = SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex, 0) = SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 0)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1) = SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 0) = SwapItem
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1) = SwapItem2
                                End If

'Sort by strings

                                If SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1) < SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1) Then

'In case the first item is smaller then the second, swap the items

                                    SwapItem = SortIndex(InnerIndex, 0)
                                    SwapItem2 = SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex, 0) = SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 0)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex, 1) = SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1)
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 0) = SwapItem
                                    SortIndex(InnerIndex + 1, 1) = SwapItem2
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    Set colNumber = Nothing
                    Set colText = Nothing
                    Set colDates = Nothing
'Resize a new array with the same size like the original DATA

            ReDim CopyData(UBound(Data, 1), UBound(Data, 2))
'Write the data according to the array SortIndex (= sorts the whole original data)

            For lngRow = LBound(Data, 1) To UBound(Data, 1)
                For lngColumn = LBound(Data, 2) To UBound(Data, 2)
                    CopyData(lngRow, lngColumn) = Data(SortIndex(lngRow, 0), lngColumn)
'Overwrite the original data with the sorted data

            For lngRow = LBound(Data, 1) To UBound(Data, 1)
                For lngColumn = LBound(Data, 2) To UBound(Data, 2)
                    Data(lngRow, lngColumn) = CopyData(lngRow, lngColumn)
        End If
    End Sub
'+  RegEx_Replace
    Public Function RegEx_Replace( _
        varString As Variant, _
        strSearchPattern As String, _
        strReplaceString As String, _
        Optional blnCase_Insensitive As Boolean = True, _
        Optional blnGlobalSearch As Boolean = True, _
        Optional blnMultiLine As Boolean = False _
        ) As String
        Dim RegEx As Object
        Set RegEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")

        With RegEx
            .IgnoreCase = blnCase_Insensitive
            .Global = blnGlobalSearch
            .MultiLine = blnMultiLine
            .Pattern = strSearchPattern
        End With
        RegEx_Replace = RegEx.Replace(varString, strReplaceString)
    End Function

Here's a slightly different approach - broken out some of the functionality into separate methods but the main Sub has a similar signature to yours (with one additional parameter)

'run some tests
Sub Tester()

    Dim arr
    BubbleSort_Array Array(), 1 'empty array: does nothing
    arr = Array(5, 4, 1, 3, 2)
    BubbleSort_Array arr, 1
    [P1].Resize(1, UBound(arr) + 1).Value = arr
    '1-dimensional array
    arr = Array("1 Title", "2 Title", "10 Title", "33 Title", "16 Title", "blah")
    BubbleSort_Array arr, 1    'sort raw values
    [P2].Resize(1, UBound(arr) + 1).Value = arr
    arr = Array("1 Title", "2 Title", "10 Title", "33 Title", "16 Title", "blah")
    BubbleSort_Array arr, 1, "SortOnVal"  'sort on Val() transformation
    [P3].Resize(1, UBound(arr) + 1).Value = arr
    arr = Array("1 Title", "2 Title", "10 Title", "33 Title", "16 Title", "blah")
    BubbleSort_Array arr, 1, "SortOnVal", xlDescending 'sort on Val() transformation, descending
    [P4].Resize(1, UBound(arr) + 1).Value = arr
    '2-dimensional array (from A1:N22)
    arr = [A1].CurrentRegion.Value
    BubbleSort_Array arr, 3    'sort 2D array on third column ("Val1", "Val2",...."Val22")
    [A25].Resize(UBound(arr, 1), UBound(arr, 2)).Value = arr  'sort is "ascibetical"
    arr = [A1].CurrentRegion.Value
    BubbleSort_Array arr, 3, "NumberOnly"   'sort 2D array on third column, after extracting a number where present
    [A49].Resize(UBound(arr, 1), UBound(arr, 2)).Value = arr  'sort looks correct
End Sub

'Sort array `data` in-place, using optional column position if 2D array
'Optional `ParseFunction` parameter is the name of a single-input function to transform values prior to sorting
Sub BubbleSort_Array(ByRef data As Variant, Optional Column As Long = -1, _
                            Optional ParseFunction As String = "", _
                            Optional Direction As XlSortOrder = 1)
    Dim dims As Long, lbr As Long, lbc As Long, ubr As Long, ubc As Long, i As Long, j As Long
    Dim arrSort, tmp, tmp2, swap As Boolean, arrOut
    dims = Dimensions(data)   'check input array dimensions
    Debug.Print "dims", dims
    If dims < 1 Or dims > 2 Then Exit Sub
    lbr = LBound(data, 1)
    ubr = UBound(data, 1)
    If dims = 1 Then data = Make2D(data) 'normalize input to 2D array (single column)
    lbc = LBound(data, 2)
    ubc = UBound(data, 2)
    If Column = -1 Then Column = lbc 'sort defaults to first column
    'make an array for sorting: first column is values to sort on, second is row indexes from `data`
    ' advantage is you're shuffling fewer items when sorting, and expensive transformations only run once
    ReDim arrSort(lbr To ubr, 1 To 2)
    For i = lbr To ubr
        tmp = data(i, Column) 'value to sort on
        If Len(ParseFunction) > 0 Then tmp = Application.Run(ParseFunction, tmp) 'custom transformation?
        arrSort(i, 1) = tmp
        arrSort(i, 2) = i
    Next i
    'now sort the array...
    For i = lbr To ubr - 1
        For j = i + 1 To ubr
            swap = IIf(Direction = xlAscending, arrSort(i, 1) > arrSort(j, 1), _
                                                arrSort(i, 1) < arrSort(j, 1))
            If swap Then
                tmp = arrSort(j, 1)         'swap positions in the "comparison" array
                tmp2 = arrSort(j, 2)
                arrSort(j, 1) = arrSort(i, 1)
                arrSort(j, 2) = arrSort(i, 2)
                arrSort(i, 1) = tmp
                arrSort(i, 2) = tmp2
            End If
        Next j
    Next i
    ReDim arrOut(lbr To ubr, lbc To ubc)  'size the output array
    'using the sorted array, copy data from the original array
    For i = lbr To ubr
        For j = lbc To ubc
            arrOut(i, j) = data(arrSort(i, 2), j)
        Next j
    Next i
    If dims = 1 Then arrOut = Make1D(arrOut) 'switch back to 1D if input was 1D
    data = arrOut 'replace the input array in-place
End Sub

'return result of Val()
Function SortOnVal(v)
    SortOnVal = Val(v)
End Function

'extract the first *whole* number from string `v`
Function NumberOnly(v) As Long
    Dim rv, i, c
    For i = 1 To Len(v)
        c = Mid(v, i, 1)
        If IsNumeric(c) Then
            rv = rv & c
            If Len(rv) > 0 Then Exit For
        End If
    Next i
    If Len(rv) = 0 Then rv = 0
    NumberOnly = CLng(rv)
End Function

'----Helper functions

'find the dimension of an array
Function Dimensions(data As Variant)
    Dim d As Long, ub
    d = 1
        ub = Empty
        On Error Resume Next
        'Debug.Print d, LBound(data, d), UBound(data, d)
        ub = UBound(data, d)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If ub = -1 Or IsEmpty(ub) Then Exit Do 'also checking for undimensioned case...
        d = d + 1
    Dimensions = d - 1
End Function

'transform a 1-D array into a 2D array (single-column)
Function Make2D(arr)
    Dim i As Long, arrOut
    ReDim arrOut(LBound(arr) To UBound(arr), 1 To 1)
    For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
        arrOut(i, 1) = arr(i)
    Next i
    Make2D = arrOut
End Function

'transform a single-column 2-D array into a 1D array
Function Make1D(arr)
    Dim i As Long, arrOut
    ReDim arrOut(LBound(arr) To UBound(arr))
    For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
        arrOut(i) = arr(i, 1)
    Next i
    Make1D = arrOut
End Function

Weird, I thought I uploaded this screenshot yesterday:

enter image description here

As you see, you can check the "Data" ribbon, "Filter&Sort" choice, and off you go.