How to make my IP publicly accessible to make my local Tomcat server public?

Solution 1:

Yes, it is possible. It is called "Port Forwarding". - is your public IP address. - is your private IP address on the LAN.

To see how port forwarding is done read this very good and short tutorial with lots of nice pictures:
How to Forward Ports on Your Router

Solution 2:

You need to do forward your 8080 port through your router.

If your IP changes (you have a dynamic IP or a static IP, this is determined by your ISP) you can get a host name from dyndns and set up your router to update dyndns with your new IP when it changes. this will allow you to access your application like so:

Alternatively, you can rent a hosted server and a domain name.

Solution 3:

If it is for short term, you can use localtunnel (same like ngrok).

Just follow these steps (require: NodeJS):

  1. Install localtunnel by running

    npm install -g localtunnel
  2. Assumes, your app is running on http://localhost:8080/, then run

    lt --port 8080

    It will create a public url domain with a random name like this.

Note: You can create custom url as well (eg: lt --port 4200 -s "sangeeth", -s means subdomain).

Ta-da! It's done!