Possibly eratic documentation? (ABP Tutorial)

On ABP.IO Tutorials, after following the Web Application Tutorial for Blazor & EF.Core, (ABP latest 5.0) on the last part 10. Book To Author Relation the BookAppService implementation kept showing me an errror on every linq query. To be exact, on the overrides for GetAsync and GetListAsync where the linq queries were assembled, the _autorRepository kept showing the following error: "CS1503 Cannot convert the Acme.BookStore.Authors.IAuthorsRepostory to System.Collections.IEnumerable".

The problem dissapeared only when I changed the code From:

var query = from book in queryable
            join author in _authorRepository on book.AuthorId equals author.Id
            select new { book, author };


  var authors = await _authorRepository.GetQueryableAsync();
  var query = from book in queryable
              join author in authors on book.AuthorId equals author.Id
              select new { book, author };

Anybody has experienced the same problem? Is it possibly an error in the documentation?

Solution 1:

Yes, it was a problem, you can see: https://github.com/abpframework/abp/pull/11285