How to add page numbers to Postscript/PDF

Based on rcs's proposed solution, I did the following:

Converted the document to example.pdf and ran pdflatex addpages, where addpages.tex reads:


\topmargin 70pt
\oddsidemargin 70pt

\renewcommand {\headrulewidth}{0pt}
\renewcommand {\footrulewidth}{0pt}

% fitpaper & scale aren't always necessary - depends on the paper being submitted.

or alternatively, for two-sided pages (i.e. with the page number consistently on the outside):


\topmargin 70pt
\oddsidemargin 150pt
\evensidemargin -40pt




Easy way to change header margins:

% set margins for headers, won't shrink included pdfs
% you can remove the topmargin/oddsidemargin/evensidemargin lines

you can simply use



in this way:

pspdftool 'number(x=-1pt,y=-1pt,start=1,size=10)' input.pdf output.pdf

see these two examples (unnumbered and numbered pdf with pspdftool)

unnumbered pdf

numbered pdf

with this as the first command-line argument:

number(start=1, size=40, x=297.5 pt, y=10 pt)