Using props, how to get the array values inside of .js file in Vuejs?

Solution 1:

So, there's a couple of things wrong with your code.

First of all, you do not need to use props if you are loading the data from a file. Also the props are used to pass data to the component (e.g. <hello-world :fruits="fruitsdata">.

Next problem is with your import statement. Because you are exporting a const you need to wrap fruitsdata in curly braces to import that variable correctly.

I've edited your code and it should work (not tested).

export const fruitsdata = [
    id: "1",
    fruit: "freshapples",
    value: "3"

    id: "2",
    fruit: "Notfreshapples",
    value: "1"
    id: "3",
    fruit: "freshmangoes",
    value: "3"

    id: "4",
    fruit: "Notfreshmangoes",
    value: "1"
    <div v-for="fruit in fruits" :key="">
        {{ fruit.fruit }}: {{ fruit.value }}

import { fruitsdata } from "../fruitsdata";
export default {
  name: "HelloWorld",
  data() {
    return {
      fruits: fruitsdata,