How to disable onTap function when a single click has been clicked. Using flutter

you can make condition like :-

set one bool variable and set it true and when user tap on button set it false if you want to permanently disable use prefrences

bool isClicked = true;

onTap:  (){
        isClicked = true;
    enter code here

  child: Container(),

Checkout below code a simple logic it may help you ,

bool isLoading = false; //global variable

onTap: () {

    isLoading = true;
      FirebaseFirestore.instance.runTransaction((transaction) async {
        DocumentSnapshot freshSnap =  await transaction.get(document.reference);
        await transaction.update(freshSnap.reference, {'votes': freshSnap['votes'] + 1,});
        isLoading = false;
      isLoading = false