Why do I get multiple results from a MAX SQL query?

In MsAccess, NULL values appear as blanks when viewed on the Datasheet view. Also, it seems that when blanks are entered for a ShortText column on the Datasheet view, they are turned into NULLs (on my version of MsAccess). It seems that your data may have NULL for one of the Steps (say 200), and spaces (zero or more) for the other (say Step 190), you could force your query to treat both the same way:

SELECT Max(tblBundle.Step) AS intLstep, tblBundle.BundleNbr,
 nz(tblBundle.BundleLtr,'') as BundleLtr,
FROM tblBundle
GROUP BY tblBundle.WO, tblBundle.BundleNbr,
         nz(tblBundle.BundleLtr,''), tblBundle.Complete
HAVING (((tblBundle.WO)="195687-1-1") AND ((tblBundle.Complete)=True));

Please note that the invisible character can, in fact, be a character that looks like space, but it is not (like non-breaking space), etc. If the above solution does not work, try something like:

SELECT  asc(mid(BundleLtr, 1,1)), asc(mid(BundleLtr, 2,1)) FROM Table2 where Step=190

To see the ascii values of the data in that column.