Typing indicator in Microsoft Teams through Graph API - chatMessageType 'typing'?

Currently using the graph API to show messages from a chat outside of microsoft teams.

I am looking for a way to display a typing indicator in my app. However, I need to know when a user is typing in an ms teams chat through the Graph API and can not find anything in the docs about this other than this mention of a 'typing' chatMessageType for messageType.

I don't know what this 'typing' type is or when it comes about. I am subscribed to messages in a chat but they all come through as 'message' when they're sent or after they're edited (editing the message/typing in the chat box does not trigger any events)

(I am aware of the bot framework but would rather not use it at this time)


Solution 1:

Adding comment as answer for more visibility.

Currently Graph API do not process Typing indicators. So it is not possible to know when a user is typing in an MS Teams chat through the Graph API.

You can raise it on Microsoft Uservoice.