bash rsync is Killed by signal 2

I'm trying to prevent the user from cancelling the script by using ctrl + c. The following script executes completely, except rsync that insists on dying, displaying the error Killed by signal 2.

Is it possible to avoid rsync from dying? If so, can I put it in the background, or should it be in the foreground?



cd /tmp
nohup rsync  -e 'ssh -o LogLevel=ERROR' -av --timeout=10 --delete-excluded myapp.war myserver:/tmp/  < /dev/null > /tmp/teste 2> /tmp/teste2

let index=0
while [ $index -lt 400000 ]
  let index=index+1

echo "script finished"
echo "index:$index"

I'm suspecting that the ssh channel is dying before rsync. Following the end of the output of the strace command in pid of rsync:

write(4, "\374\17\0\7", 4)              = 4
select(5, NULL, [4], [4], {10, 0})      = 1 (out [4], left {9, 999998})
--- SIGINT (Interrupt) @ 0 (0) ---
--- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---
wait4(-1, [{WIFEXITED(s) && WEXITSTATUS(s) == 255}], WNOHANG, NULL) = 12738
wait4(-1, 0x7fffaea6a85c, WNOHANG, NULL) = -1 ECHILD (No child processes)
rt_sigreturn(0xffffffffffffffff)        = 0
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {0, 400000}) = 0 (Timeout)
rt_sigaction(SIGUSR1, {SIG_IGN, [], SA_RESTORER, 0x3fcb6326b0}, NULL, 8) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGUSR2, {SIG_IGN, [], SA_RESTORER, 0x3fcb6326b0}, NULL, 8) = 0
wait4(12738, 0x7fffaea6aa7c, WNOHANG, NULL) = -1 ECHILD (No child processes)
getpid()                                = 12737
kill(12738, SIGUSR1)                    = -1 ESRCH (No such process)
write(2, "rsync error: unexplained error ("..., 72) = 72
write(2, "\n", 1)                       = 1
exit_group(255)                         = ?
Process 12737 detached

Solution 1:

It's pretty clear from experimentation that rsync behaves like other tools such as ping and do not inherit signals from the calling Bash parent.

So you have to get a little creative with this and do something like the following:

$ cat rsync.bash

 set -m
 rsync -avz LargeTestFile.500M [email protected]:/tmp/. &

 echo FIN

Now when I run it:

$ ./rsync.bash
X11 forwarding request failed
building file list ... done
sent 509984 bytes  received 42 bytes  92732.00 bytes/sec
total size is 524288000  speedup is 1027.96

And we can see the file did fully transfer:

$ ll -h | grep Large
-rw-------. 1  501 games 500M Jul  9 21:44 LargeTestFile.500M

How it works

The trick here is we're telling Bash via set -m to disable job controls on any background jobs within it. We're then backgrounding the rsync and then running a wait command which will wait on the last run command, rsync, until it's complete.

We then guard the entire script with the trap '' SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT.


  • Delay termination of script