Flutter how to use AES GCM 256 algorithm to cipher and decrypt using pointycastle package [closed]
Solution 1:
All the pointcastle ciphers are instantiated in basically the same way. Here's the way to instantiate AES/GCM, with examples for the inputs and outputs.
final keyBytes = Uint8List(32); // dummy key - replace with 256 bit key
final nonce = Uint8List(12); // dummy nonce - replace with random value
final plainTextBytes = Uint8List(5); // dummy input - 5 bytes (5 is just an example)
final cipher = GCMBlockCipher(AESEngine())
true, // encrypt (or decrypt)
KeyParameter(keyBytes), // the 256 bit (32 byte) key
16 * 8, // the mac size (16 bytes)
nonce, // the 12 byte nonce
Uint8List(0), // empty extra data
final cipherTextBytes = cipher.process(plainTextBytes);
print(cipherTextBytes.length); // prints 21 = 16 (mac) + 5 (plain text length)