Angular, boolean value in a select box

EDIT: Commentors have pointed out that my original solution did not work as claimed. I have updated the answer to reflect the correct answer given by others below (I cannot delete an accepted answer).

For Angular 1.0.6, consider this HTML:

<div ng-app="">
  <div ng-controller="MyCntrl">
    <select ng-model="mybool"
            ng-options="o.v as o.n for o in [{ n: 'Not included', v: false }, { n: 'Included', v: true }]">
        Currently selected: <b>{{ mybool }}</b> opposite: {{ !mybool }}

And this JavaScript:

function MyCntrl($scope) {
    $scope.mybool = true;

Here is a working DEMO for Angular 1.0.6 and here is a working DEMO for Angular 1.3.14, which is slightly different.

Just do like this:

<select ng-model="someModel" ng-options="boolToStr(item) for item in [true, false]">

and define:

$scope.boolToStr = function(arg) {return arg ? 'Included' : 'Not included'};

Why not just use this?

<select class="form-control" ng-options="(item?'Included':'Not Included') for item in [true, false]"></select>