./jmeter: not found error when running Jmeter on Jenkins scripted pipeline

I have a Jenkins pipeline for .Net Core REST API and I am getting an error on the command for executing Jmeter tests :

[Pipeline] { (Performance Test)
[Pipeline] sh
+ docker exec 884627942e26 bash
[Pipeline] sh
+ /bin/sh -c cd /opt/apache-jmeter-5.4.1/bin
[Pipeline] sh
+ /bin/sh -c ./jmeter -n -t /home/getaccountperftest.jmx -l /home/golide/Reports/LoadTestReport.csv -e -o /home/golide/Reports/PerfHtmlReport
-n: 1: -n: ./jmeter: not found
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Performance Test Report)
Stage "Performance Test Report" skipped due to earlier failure(s)

I have jmeter running as a Docker container on the server as per this guide Jmeter On Linux and I am able to extract the reports but this same command fails when I run within Jenkins context :

/bin/sh -c ./jmeter -n -t /home/getaccountperftest.jmx -l /home/golide/Reports/LoadTestReport.csv -e -o /home/golide/Reports/PerfHtmlReport

This is my pipeline :

  pipeline {
    agent any
    triggers {
    environment { 
     NAME = "cassavagateway"
       REGISTRYUSERNAME = "golide"
       WORKSPACE = "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OnlineRemit_main"
       VERSION = "${env.BUILD_ID}-${env.GIT_COMMIT}"
       IMAGE = "${NAME}:${VERSION}"
        stages {        
             stage ("Publish Test Report") {
                         publishHTML target: [
          allowMissing: false,
            alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true,
              keepAll: true,
              reportDir: '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OnlineRemit_main/IntegrationTests/BuildReports/Coverage',
              reportFiles: 'index.html',
              reportName: 'Code Coverage'
                       archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'IntegrationTests/BuildReports/Coverage/*.*'
stage ("Performance Test") {
   sh 'docker exec 884627942e26 bash'
   sh '/bin/sh -c cd /opt/apache-jmeter-5.4.1/bin'
   sh '/bin/sh -c ./jmeter -n -t /home/getaccountperftest.jmx -l /home/golide/Reports/LoadTestReport.csv -e -o /home/Reports/HtmlReport'
   sh 'docker cp 884627942e26:/home/Reports/HtmlReport /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/FlexToEcocash_main/IntegrationTests/BuildReports/Coverage bash'           
         stage ("Publish Performance Test Report") {
      step([$class: 'ArtifactArchiver', artifacts: '**/*.jtl, **/jmeter.log'])
                      stage ("Docker Build") {
                    steps {
                       sh  'cd /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OnlineRemit_main/OnlineRemit'
                       echo "Running ${VERSION} on ${env.JENKINS_URL}"              
                       sh "docker build -t ${NAME} /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OnlineRemit_main/OnlineRemit"
                       sh "docker tag ${NAME}:latest ${REGISTRYUSERNAME}/${NAME}:${VERSION}"
                 stage("Deploy To K8S"){
                sh 'kubectl apply -f {yaml file name}.yaml'
                sh 'kubectl set image deployments/{deploymentName} {container name given in deployment yaml file}={dockerId}/{projectName}:${BUILD_NUMBER}'

My issues : What doI need to change for that command to execute ? How can I incorporate a condition to break the pipeline if the tests fail?

Jenkins Environment : Debian 10 Platform : .Net Core 3.1

The Shift-Left.jtl is a results file which JMeter will generate after execution of the `Shift-Left.jmx

By default it will be in CSV format, depending on what you're trying to achieve you can:

  1. Generate charts from the .CSV file
  2. Generate HTML Reporting Dashboard
  3. If you have Jenkins Performance Plugin you can get performance trend graphs, possibility to automatically fail the build depending on various criteria, etc.