C++ Store an expression template inside a class whose objects will be part of a vector

Solution 1:

I see you have improved your question. Yes there are debatably better solutions.

One nice solution the std lib offers you, is to use type-erasure using std:function.

#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

struct FunctorTypeA {
    double a;
    FunctorTypeA(const double ap): a(ap) {}
    auto operator()([[maybe_unused]]const double x) const { return a;}

int main(){
    auto funcVec{std::vector<std::function<double(double)>>{}};
    funcVec.push_back(FunctorTypeA{3.14}); // functor allowed
    funcVec.push_back([](double x){return x;}); // lambda allowed
    funcVec.push_back(sqrt); // function pointer allowed, e.g. C math function

    for(auto&& f:funcVec){
        std::cout << f(2.0) << '\n';

This way you don't complicate things with inheritance and pointer casting. Easy to make mistakes there. std::vector and std::function will do all the cleaning up. (That was something you can easily miss in your vector-of-pointers solution)

Note: std::function may perform a dynamic allocation. But so does std::vector and inheritance has vtable overhead.