How to use a npm package for development without building it every time?

Leave the package.json file entry point set to the dist/index.js file.

Then set a new scripts option in the package.json file to run tsc <filename> -w. This will run the TypeScript Compile command with the watch flag. This will recompile when files change in the directory.

If you have a different flow that doesn't use tsc directly or doesn't support a watch flag then see the link below that usesnodemon.

You can't avoid the build process so it's best to embrace it and understand the advantages of not changing the entry point between the deployment and the development.

  • Simple flow, just press start, and your startup script should run it on its own
  • Same output in Prod and local development means less things to break
  • Auto rebuilding on changes allow for faster development of not having to re-execute commands