Issue downloading a complete website for offline use with HTTrack

Some servers requests headers from the browser. To mimic this exact behaviour follow these steps:

  1. Press F12 on the browser and look for "Network" or "Net" tab
  2. Open the webpage you want to download
  3. Expand the first item on the list, that should be a GET request
  4. Check where it says "Headers". If you're using Firebug in Firefox, you may also click "view source"
  5. Copy all of the headers atarting on the line that reads "Host:" by painting them with the mouse and pressing CONTROL+C
  6. Go to HTTrack and click the "Set options" button of your current download (under the urls).
  7. Go to the "Browser ID" tab leave "Browser identity" empty, HTML footer "(none)" and on the "Additional HTTP headers" paste what you've copied on step #5
  8. You're all set.