Online backup service for servers

Is there a trustworthy online backup service with client software that does backups without a user logged in?

I have been using Mozy combined with some custom python scripts for doing offsite backups of a Subversion repository on a Windows server. This has been working fine, except that it stops working when a user is not logged in, which happens whenever the server is patched and rebooted.

I think this is because Mozy is designed for backup up user data, not server. I haven't tried Carbonite yet but I'm guessing that is the same?

I've been using Jungle Disk to do daily offsite backups on windows server 2003, no major issues so far and their client software has been improved quite a bit over the last few months. It doesn't require a user to be logged in to run either.

Symantec has an online storage offering available at that's designed with servers in mind.