Distributed chained computing with Dask on a high failure-rate cluster?
Solution 1:
This might not be the solution you are looking for, but one option is to divide up the task sequence into small-enough batches that can ensure that the task will complete in time (or will be quick to re-do from scratch).
Something like this perhaps:
import dask.bag as db
from toolz import partition_all
n_per_chunk = 100 # just a guess, the best number depends on the case
tasks = list(partition_all(n_per_chunk, my_ids))
results = []
for t in tasks:
summed_image = (
.reduction(sum, sum)
summed_image = sum(results) # final result
There are other things to keep in mind here regarding re-starting the workflow on failure (or potentially launching smaller tasks in parallel), but hopefully this gives you a starting point for a workable solution.