Android Studio Error : installed build tool revision 32.0.0 is corrupted

I'm on Android Studio 4.1.1. I created a new project and haven't added anything to the starter code and whenever I click build or run, I get this error:

Installed Build Tools revision 32.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager.

I am using android studio for the first time and wanted to print a simple hello world program , and this is becoming pain in the ass.

Please try the following instructions (assuming you are working on MS Windows):

  1. Firstly, locate your SDK folder, e.g. %ANDROID_SDK_ROOT%.
  2. Copy (NOT Rename) %ANDROID_SDK_ROOT%\build-tools\32.0.0\d8.bat to %ANDROID_SDK_ROOT%\build-tools\32.0.0\dx.bat
  3. Copy (NOT Rename) %ANDROID_SDK_ROOT%\build-tools\32.0.0\lib\d8.jar to %ANDROID_SDK_ROOT%\build-tools\32.0.0\lib\dx.jar
  4. Verify if build issue has been fixed.