Where can I get Adobe Acrobat 64?
Does anybody know where can I get Adobe Acrobat for 64 bit Ubuntu?
Solution 1:
all ubuntu versions - 64bit users
Currently there is no 64bit version of Adobe Reader available in the standard Canonical Partners repository.
The Adobe Reader package is actually a 32bit package and thus all the 32bit dependencies will be installed as well.
You will need to enable the Canonical Partners repository in Software Sources (search in Dash)
Then in a terminal you can update and install acrobat reader:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install acroread
Be warned - its a 180Mb+ install.
If 180Mb+ is considered a too sizeable install, then strong consideration should be given to using alternative PDF readers such as evince or okular
Solution 2:
There does not seem to be a 64bit version, at least not yet.
If you don't want to install all those i386 packages when installing from the canonical repository use the following method, but beware, this is not guaranteed to work and/or might be broken after system updates:
- get the Adobe Reader deb package from adobe.com
- install it with:
sudo dpkg -i --force-all AdbeRdr*
The size of/opt/Adobe
is 136Mb. - there will be unmet dependencies. Fix this with
sudo apt-get -f install
In my case this added 11Mb.
So in total this is 147Mb. Installing from canonical would have added another 55Mb. As every system usually has different sets of packages installed, you might save more or less than my 55Mb.
In other words, unless space really is an issue, go with fossfreedom's answer.
Credits to tony from ossramblings.com for the --force-all