What healing options are there for a wizard?

Solution 1:

As far as I know your healing options are limited, even with a Mythic Potion (12,500 life) there's not much chance of survival if you get up close and personal. I'd suggest looking into getting some life per hit on your items, which outclasses life per kill.

Also, put on Galvanizing Ward as passive if you not have done so already, it adds another 310 life per second (as long as you have an armor skill active). And as jzn mentions, there is also the Blood Magic rune on Magic Weapon which adds another 1.5% damage as life per hit.

Either way, everything pretty much 1-hits you in Inferno from act 1 onward unless you become a vitality-only Wizard. I know the same applies to Demon Hunter, and probably to Witch Doctor too.

Try to focus on DPS, not life, and you will stand a chance: kill them, before they can ever reach you.

Solution 2:

Force Armor with Galvanizing Ward gives you a steady stream of (310hp/sec) health regen that lets you get away with using too many potions. It has saved me on multiple occasions also, during longer kiting sessions vs. some Champion/Elite packs that you are unable to outrun (innately fast enemies with the Fast affix, for example).

When you are kiting, you will want to double pack the route you just came from, so you can pick up any Health Globes left behind enemies you killed. Also when you kill enemies, don't pick up the globes when you don't absolutely have to, see your health and learn how fast FA regens. Take a mental note where you left globes and use it to your advantage while kiting. When you have a lot vitality, you can opt to pick up some item that gives you a boost to how much health globes heal you.

And lastly the obvious, stack up on Mythic Potions (12,500hp), use one as soon as you've lost a bit over 12,5k to keep you topped, so when you have lost more, it will be up again sooner.

In the end it comes down to your ability to avoid damage, and the sense proactively activate Diamond Skin / Teleport / Mirror Image, when you know you will be taking a hit.