Term, blend-word, or metaphor for being social but with boundaries [closed]

I'm looking for a term, word or metaphor for being social but within rules or boundaries.

I don't like the word privacy as it has a negative connotation. I think the word social is overused or misunderstood, especially in the online realm. I assume real social interactions operate on trust and that certain behavioral rules must be followed. But doing things together bonds people, and they learn more about each other. Etiquette is too stodgy and doesn't encompass all that I am trying to say.

Any thoughts on how to combine all of these ideas into one word, a blend-word, or a metaphor, please?

I think the word you're looking for might be conventional. It means something like '(given to) behavior bounded by convention'.

It's not at all stodge; the fact that conventional is often used to condemn obsolete past conventions doesn't mean that it's lost its other, more precise, and less politically correct sense.

Conventions, especially tacit conventions like grammar, are simply common solutions to common problems, like which side of the road to drive on. It's not stodgy, within the meaning of the act, to drive on the left in the UK but on the right in the US. Doing otherwise, in fact, is both illegal and dangerous. Being conventional just means observing boundaries like we all do.

I think the concepts closest to what you mean are those of being tactful and of being appropriate.

Thoughtful, "Demonstrating kindness or consideration for others" may be along the lines of what is sought. There are numerous synonyms or related words that provide quite a variety of senses; eg sensible for "Acting with or showing good sense; able to make good judgements based on reason", deliberate for "Formed with deliberation; well-advised; carefully considered; not sudden or rash", circumspect for "Carefully aware of all circumstances; considerate of all that is pertinent", and so forth.

Polite, "Showing good manners toward others, as in behavior, speech, etc.; courteous; civil: a polite reply;" or perhaps cordial, "courteous and gracious; friendly; warm: a cordial reception."