Word to describe killing for deterrence

Is there a word or phrase that describes an event where someone or a group of people are killed or executed, usually publicly, as a means of deterrence?

A close candidate is a "scare tactic."

Thank you.

Solution 1:

It is not a single word, but when a person is or group of people are killed to show what happens to people who act thus, it can be said that they were "made an example of."

make an example of somebody

to punish someone for doing something so that other people will not do the same thing. They want to make an example of him by keeping him in prison under very difficult conditions.

Solution 2:

There is the phrase pour encourager les autres, literally "to encourage the others". Although it's French, it's been borrowed.

Wikipedia has a quote from Voltaire about Admiral Byng. Byng was a British naval commander who lost the island of Minorca to the French in 1756. He was court-martialled and executed.

Byng's execution is referred to in Voltaire's novel Candide with the line Dans ce pays-ci, il est bon de tuer de temps en temps un amiral pour encourager les autres – "In this country, it is wise to kill an admiral from time to time to encourage the others."

A similar tactic was employed by decimation of legions in Ancient Rome (every tenth soldier was extracted from a parade and executed); and to a certain extent by Nazi reprisal executions during the Second World War.