How can I stop certain apps from appearing in the Dash?

I would like to hide all items that I don't need from appearing in App Lens.

For example: XTerm, File Roller and the Home Folder.

Is this possible?

Solution 1:

For any app that you don't want displayed in the Dash it needs a line in it's .desktop, - NoDisplay=true

If NoDisplay=false is there then in a text editor simply edit to true, if the line doesn't exist then add it

Most app's .desktops will be found in /usr/share/applications & can be edited there in a root text editor. Alternately you can copy the .desktop to ~/.local/share/applications & edit there instead with your normal (non root) text editor.

When copied there it is protected against updates & only applies locally to that user

Example in screen of adding line to debian-xterm.desktop

enter image description here