Fuzzy text in Unity title bar

Solution 1:

This is currently being tracked as a problem with RGBA anti-aliasing.

It can be resolved by changing the aliasing value from RBGA to grayscale.

Use MyUnity (available in the software-center)

enter image description here

Alternatively, you can similarly use ubuntu-tweak which you need to install from the authors PPA.

Solution 2:

This problem is likely to be this launchpad bug which is specific to using the theme Radiance in Unity-2D.

If it is then there is a workaround you can try.

Some before and after screen-shots will help here with this method:


enter image description here


enter image description here

how did I do that

Themes are described in text files in the folder /usr/share/themes. Specifically themes use what is termed Content Style Sheets to define what they should look like.

Since these are text files - you can edit and change these easily.

First you have a choice - you can edit the files directly - or via a copy in your own home folder.

If you edit the files directly, then an update to the theme will overwrite all of your good work ... but then again - it may be the update you are looking for.

Lets assume you want a user specific theme. The following commands copies the Radiance theme into your home folder.

Lets open a terminal and copy and paste the following:

mkdir -p ~/.themes
cp -r /usr/share/themes/Radiance ~/.themes
gedit ~/.themes/Radiance/gtk-3.0/apps/unity.css

What you want to edit is in this section of the file:

enter image description here

You need to add text-shadow: none; to this section (i.e. between the { and } curly brackets) so that it now looks like:

enter image description here

Logout and login to see the change take effect.

Solution 3:

This is a problem with Unity 2D, and I'm sorry to inform you that essentially, there is nothing you can do.

Fortunately, in Ubuntu 12.10, Unity 2D has been replaced with Unity 3D (running via LLVM Pipe), so if you upgrade (when its released) you should no longer have this issue.