How to efficiently scout early drops en route?

I think both of the answers here are good answers, but since you seem unsatisfied let me try to contribute.

When playing as Protoss or Terran I often find its useful to use my Pylon/Supply Depot to help give me vision around my base. This isn't, by any means, a replacement for scouting, but it does give me a little advanced notice on drops. Since most maps have your main on a cliff, spreading out these (otherwise useless) structures helps monitor not only the edges but extends the range of your viewing.

Now this technique won't stop a drop, and it won't even really give you too much advance warning, but when every second counts, these are invaluable. You also have the benefit of power for Warpgates. If your opponent drops near the edge, these aren't advanced enough warning, but they do provide a nice distraction while you move your army. If he bypasses them and moves to your mineral line, they're a more advanced warning.

By comparison, Overlords almost trivialize this problem as you can spread them about the map, around your base and even around your opponent's base.

I know its not a solution, but it should help.

The truth is, there is no cheap, effective, sure fire way to guarantee you catch drops. Certainly map control helps, as does scouting, but if there was an easy fix for this terran's would probably never drop.

You have a few options:

  1. When you build your 2nd food supply, get that scout in the base and keep it there as long as possible. You may be able to determine if he is going air.
  2. Watch Towers. Get a unit on a watch tower quickly. I usually use my first couple of Zerglings.
  3. Informative 'scouting'. Scans, sacrificial Overlords, fast Observers can be excellent in determining what he has and might be moving out with.

I recently had a match where because of my overlord placement and watch towers, I saw his Banshees move out. Gave me plenty of time to get Overseers, Hydras and an extra Queen to defend.

Take a look at Map Control for more info on just that: Map Control which relates to determing what your opponent is doing.

As it sounds like you are playing Terran.

Sensory Towers - I can't recommend them enough, And follow those up with perimeter Turrets starting in the back of your base to nail those incoming drops.

It also doesn't hurt to place a solitary marine at each watchtower.