Why is a segmentation fault not recoverable?

Solution 1:

When exactly does segmentation fault happen (=when is SIGSEGV sent)?

When you attempt to access memory you don’t have access to, such as accessing an array out of bounds or dereferencing an invalid pointer. The signal SIGSEGV is standardized but different OS might implement it differently. "Segmentation fault" is mainly a term used in *nix systems, Windows calls it "access violation".

Why is the process in undefined behavior state after that point?

Because one or several of the variables in the program didn’t behave as expected. Let’s say you have some array that is supposed to store a number of values, but you didn’t allocate enough room for all them. So only those you allocated room for get written correctly, and the rest written out of bounds of the array can hold any values. How exactly is the OS to know how critical those out of bounds values are for your application to function? It knows nothing of their purpose.

Furthermore, writing outside allowed memory can often corrupt other unrelated variables, which is obviously dangerous and can cause any random behavior. Such bugs are often hard to track down. Stack overflows for example are such segmentation faults prone to overwrite adjacent variables, unless the error was caught by protection mechanisms.

If we look at the behavior of "bare metal" microcontroller systems without any OS and no virtual memory features, just raw physical memory - they will just silently do exactly as told - for example, overwriting unrelated variables and keep on going. Which in turn could cause disastrous behavior in case the application is mission-critical.

Why is it not recoverable?

Because the OS doesn’t know what your program is supposed to be doing.

Though in the "bare metal" scenario above, the system might be smart enough to place itself in a safe mode and keep going. Critical applications such as automotive and med-tech aren’t allowed to just stop or reset, as that in itself might be dangerous. They will rather try to "limp home" with limited functionality.

Why does this solution avoid that unrecoverable state? Does it even?

That solution is just ignoring the error and keeps on going. It doesn’t fix the problem that caused it. It’s a very dirty patch and setjmp/longjmp in general are very dangerous functions that should be avoided for any purpose.

We have to realize that a segmentation fault is a symptom of a bug, not the cause.

Solution 2:

Please explain why after a segmentation fault the program is in an undetermined state

I think this is your fundamental misunderstanding -- the SEGV does not cause the undetermined state, it is a symptom of it. So the problem is (generally) that the program is in an illegal, unrecoverable state WELL BEFORE the SIGSEGV occurs, and recovering from the SIGSEGV won't change that.

  • When exactly does segmentation fault happen (=when is SIGSEGV sent)?

The only standard way in which a SIGSEGV occurs is with the call raise(SIGSEGV);. If this is the source of a SIGSEGV, then it is obviously recoverable by using longjump. But this is a trivial case that never happens in reality. There are platform-specific ways of doing things that might result in well-defined SEGVs (eg, using mprotect on a POSIX system), and these SEGVs might be recoverable (but will likely require platform specific recovery). However, the danger of undefined-behavior related SEGV generally means that the signal handler will very carefully check the (platform dependent) information that comes along with the signal to make sure it is something that is expected.

  • Why is the process in undefined behavior state after that point?

It was (generally) in undefined behavior state before that point; it just wasn't noticed. That's the big problem with Undefined Behavior in both C and C++ -- there's no specific behavior associated with it, so it might not be noticed right away.

  • Why does this solution avoid that unrecoverable state? Does it even?

It does not, it just goes back to some earlier point, but doesn't do anything to undo or even identify the undefined behavior that cause the problem.

Solution 3:

A segfault happens when your program tries to dereference a bad pointer. (See below for a more technical version of that, and other things that can segfault.) At that point, your program has already tripped over a bug that led to the pointer being bad; the attempt to deref it is often not the actual bug.

Unless you intentionally do some things that can segfault, and intend to catch and handle those cases (see section below), you won't know what got messed up by a bug in your program (or a cosmic ray flipping a bit) before a bad access actually faulted. (And this generally requires writing in asm, or running code you JITed yourself, not C or C++.)

C and C++ don't define the behaviour of programs that cause segmentation faults, so compilers don't make machine-code that anticipates attempted recovery. Even in a hand-written asm program, it wouldn't make sense to try unless you expected some kinds of segfaults, there's no sane way to try to truly recover; at most you should just print an error message before exiting.

If you mmap some new memory at whatever address the access way trying to access, or mprotect it from read-only to read+write (in a SIGSEGV handler), that can let the faulting instruction execute, but that's very unlikely to let execution resume. Most read-only memory is read-only for a reason, and letting something write to it won't be helpful. And an attempt to read something through a pointer probably needed to get some specific data that's actually somewhere else (or to not be reading at all because there's nothing to read). So mapping a new page of zeros to that address will let execution continue, but not useful correct execution. Same for modifying the main thread's instruction pointer in a SIGSEGV handler, so it resumes after the faulting instruction. Then whatever load or store will just have not happened, using whatever garbage was previously in a register (for a load), or similar other results for CISC add reg, [mem] or whatever.

(The example you linked of catching SIGSEGV depends on the compiler generating machine code in the obvious way, and the setjump/longjump depends on knowing which code is going to segfault, and that it happened without first overwriting some valid memory, e.g. the stdout data structures that printf depends on, before getting to an unmapped page, like could happen with a loop or memcpy.)

Expected SIGSEGVs, for example a JIT sandbox

A JIT for a language like Java or Javascript (which don't have undefined behaviour) needs to handle null-pointer dereferences in a well-defined way, by (Java) throwing a NullPointerException in the guest machine.

Machine code implementing the logic of a Java program (created by a JIT compiler as part of a JVM) would need to check every reference at least once before using, in any case where it couldn't prove at JIT-compile time that it was non-null, if it wanted to avoid ever having the JITed code fault.

But that's expensive, so a JIT may eliminate some null-pointer checks by allowing faults to happen in the guest asm it generates, even though such a fault will first trap to the OS, and only then to the JVM's SIGSEGV handler.

If the JVM is careful in how it lays out the asm instructions its generating, so any possible null pointer deref will happen at the right time wrt. side-effects on other data and only on paths of execution where it should happen (see @supercat's answer for an example), then this is valid. The JVM will have to catch SIGSEGV and longjmp or whatever out of the signal handler, to code that delivers a NullPointerException to the guest.

But the crucial part here is that the JVM is assuming its own code is bug-free, so the only state that's potentially "corrupt" is the guest actual state, not the JVM's data about the guest. This means the JVM is able to process an exception happening in the guest without depending on data that's probably corrupt.

The guest itself probably can't do much, though, if it wasn't expecting a NullPointerException and thus doesn't specifically know how to repair the situation. It probably shouldn't do much more than print an error message and exit or restart itself. (Pretty much what a normal ahead-of-time-compiled C++ program is limited to.)

Of course the JVM needs to check the fault address of the SIGSEGV and find out exactly which guest code it was in, to know where to deliver the NullPointerException. (Which catch block, if any.) And if the fault address wasn't in JITed guest code at all, then the JVM is just like any other ahead-of-time-compiled C/C++ program that segfaulted, and shouldn't do much more than print an error message and exit. (Or raise(SIGABRT) to trigger a core dump.)

Being a JIT JVM doesn't make it any easier to recover from unexpected segfaults due to bugs in your own logic. The key thing is that there's a sandboxed guest which you're already making sure can't mess up the main program, and its faults aren't unexpected for the host JVM. (You can't allow "managed" code in the guest to have fully wild pointers that could be pointing anywhere, e.g. to guest code. But that's normally fine. But you can still have null pointers, using a representation that does in practice actually fault if hardware tries to deref it. That doesn't let it write or read the host's state.)

For more about this, see Why are segfaults called faults (and not aborts) if they are not recoverable? for an asm-level view of segfaults. And links to JIT techniques that let guest code page-fault instead of doing runtime checks:

  • Effective Null Pointer Check Elimination Utilizing Hardware Trap a research paper on this for Java, from three IBM scientists.

  • SableVM: 6.2.4 Hardware Support on Various Architectures about NULL pointer checks

A further trick is to put the end of an array at the end of a page (followed by a large-enough unmapped region), so bounds-checking on every access is done for free by the hardware. If you can statically prove the index is always positive, and that it can't be larger than 32 bit, you're all set.

Background: what are segfaults

The usual reason for the OS delivering SIGSEGV is after your process triggers a page fault that the OS finds is "invalid". (I.e. it's your fault, not the OS's problem, so it can't fix it by paging in data that was swapped out to disk (hard page fault) or copy-on-write or zero a new anonymous page on first access (soft page fault), and updating the hardware page tables for that virtual page to match what your process logically has mapped.).

The page-fault handler can't repair the situation because the user-space thread normally because user-space hasn't asked the OS for any memory to be mapped to that virtual address. If it did just try to resume user-space without doing anything to the page table, the same instruction would just fault again, so instead the kernel delivers a SIGSEGV. The default action for that signal is to kill the process, but if user-space has installed a signal handler it can catch it.

Other reasons include (on Linux) trying to run a privileged instruction in user-space (e.g. an x86 #GP "General Protection Fault" hardware exception), or on x86 Linux a misaligned 16-byte SSE load or store (again a #GP exception). This can happen with manually-vectorized code using _mm_load_si128 instead of loadu, or even as a result of auto-vectorization in a program with undefined behaviour: Why does unaligned access to mmap'ed memory sometimes segfault on AMD64? (Some other OSes, e.g. MacOS / Darwin, deliver SIGBUS for misaligned SSE.)

Segfaults usually only happen after your program encountered a bug

So your program state is already messed up, that's why there was for example a NULL pointer where you expected one to be non-NULL, or otherwise invalid. (e.g. some forms of use-after free, or a pointer overwritten with some bits that don't represent a valid pointer.)

If you're lucky it will segfault and fail early and noisily, as close as possible to the actual bug; if you're unlucky (e.g. corrupting malloc bookkeeping info) you won't actually segfault until long after the buggy code executed.

Solution 4:

The thing you have to understand about segmentation faults is that they are not a problem. They are an example of the Lord's near-infinite mercy (according to an old professor I had in college). A segmentation fault is a sign that something is very wrong, and your program thought it was a good idea to access memory where there was no memory to be had. That access is not in itself the problem; the problem came at some indeterminate time before, when something went wrong, that eventually caused your program to think that this access was a good idea. Accessing non-existent memory is just a symptom at this point, but (and this is where the Lord's mercy comes into it) it's an easily-detected symptom. It could be much worse; it could be accessing memory where there is memory to be had, just, the wrong memory. The OS can't save you from that.

The OS has no way to figure out what caused your program to believe something so absurd, and the only thing it can do is shut things down, before it does something else insane in a way the OS can't detect so easily. Usually, most OSes also provide a core dump (a saved copy of the program's memory), which could in theory be used to figure out what the program thought it was doing. This isn't really straightforward for any non-trivial program, but that's why the OS does it, just in case.

Solution 5:

While your question asks specifically about segmentation faults, the real question is:

If a software or hardware component is commanded to do something nonsensical or even impossible, what should it do? Do nothing at all? Guess what actually needs to be done and do that? Or use some mechanism (such as "throwing an exception") to halt the higher-level computation which issued the nonsensical command?

The vast weight of experience gathered by many engineers, over many years, agrees that the best answer is halting the overall computation, and producing diagnostic information which may help someone figure out what is wrong.

Aside from illegal access to protected or nonexistent memory, other examples of 'nonsensical commands' include telling a CPU to divide an integer by zero or to execute junk bytes which do not decode to any valid instruction. If a programming language with run-time type checking is used, trying to invoke any operation which is not defined for the data types involved is another example.

But why is it better to force a program which tries to divide by zero to crash? Nobody wants their programs to crash. Couldn't we define division-by-zero to equal some number, such as zero, or 73? And couldn't we create CPUs which would skip over invalid instructions without faulting? Maybe our CPUs could also return some special value, like -1, for any read from a protected or unmapped memory address. And they could just ignore writes to protected addresses. No more segfaults! Whee!

Certainly, all those things could be done, but it wouldn't really gain anything. Here's the point: While nobody wants their programs to crash, not crashing does not mean success. People write and run computer programs to do something, not just to "not crash". If a program is buggy enough to read or write random memory addresses or attempt to divide by zero, the chances are very low that it will do what you actually want, even if it is allowed to continue running. On the other hand, if the program is not halted when it attempts crazy things, it may end up doing something that you do not want, such as corrupting or destroying your data.

Historically, some programming languages have been designed to always "just do something" in response to nonsensical commands, rather than raising a fatal error. This was done in a misguided attempt to be more friendly to novice programmers, but it always ended badly. The same would be true of your suggestion that operating systems should never crash programs due to segfaults.