How to skip tests in PHPunit?

Solution 1:

The fastest and easiest way to skip tests that are either broken or you need to continue working on later is to just add the following to the top of your individual unit test:

$this->markTestSkipped('must be revisited.');

Solution 2:

If you can deal with ignoring the whole file then

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


        <testsuite name="foo">


Solution 3:

Sometimes it's useful to skip all tests from particular file based on custom condition(s) defined as php code. You can easily do that using setUp function in which makeTestSkipped works as well.

protected function setUp()
    if (your_custom_condition) {
        $this->markTestSkipped('all tests in this file are invactive for this server configuration!');

your_custom_condition can be passed via some static class method/property, a constant defined in phpunit bootstrap file or even a global variable.