statsmodel - TypeError: fit() got an unexpected keyword argument 'disp'

Solution 1:

I also got the same problem. Two solutions:

1)Use an older version of statsmodels, where disp is still supported, you can do so by installing 0.12.2 version of statsmodels. $pip install statsmodels==0.12.2 disp is an optional argument. If disp = True, or disp >0 convergence information is printed. If disp = False or disp < 0 means no output in this case. You can get rid of the warnings by using this in your code:

import warnings


2)Use the newer version of statsmodels. disp is no longer supported. So, you can not set a value. use the following code:

import statsmodels.api as smapi

model = smapi.tsa.arima.ARIMA(train_data, order=(1,1,2))

result =

Personally speaking the updated version of statsmodels is better.