How do I disable 'Activities' hot corner in GNOME shell?

Solution 1:

In GNOME Tweak Tool aka GNOME Tweaks (install it by running sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool), go to "Top bar" then switch '"Activities Overview Hot Corner".

Hot corner configuration in gnome tweak tools

A screencast :

Hot corner configuration in gnome tweak tools screencast

Solution 2:

Command-line way

If you are looking for the gsettings command for this "Activities Overview Hot Corner" option in GNOME Tweaks:

enter image description here

then, the key is gsettings set enable-hot-corners true|false


gsettings set enable-hot-corners true
gsettings set enable-hot-corners false

enter image description here


Recent version of GNOME seems to be

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-hot-corners true
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-hot-corners false

Solution 3:

Tried frans' solution:

git clone [email protected]:
Permission denied (publickey).

Why not install the gnome-shell-extension directly? It's much easier, and works for gnome in every linux distribution.

Update for gnome>3.36:

This extension is not needed anymore as it is now supported by the shell itself. You can switch off the hotcorner with a gsettings or using gnome-tweak tool.

Solution 4:

If you have already enabled the infrastructure to use Gnome-Extensions, you can simply go to the extensions webpage, search for "hot corners" and click the switch to turn it on.

Here is an example of the url:

Here is a screenshot of the button to switch on:

Screenshot of link

Obviously this assumes that you have already installed all the bits to make extensions work from the website - see the section on installing shell extensions from a browser here:

Solution 5:

Take k0pernikus' answer but name the directory correctly:

cd ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
git clone [email protected]

works for me