What is the shortcut to move between two Terminator tabs?

  • go to next tab: ctrl+pgdown
  • go to previous tab: ctrl+pgup

Key commands in Terminator

  • Toggle fullscreen: F11
  • Split terminals horizontally: Ctrl + Shift + O
  • Split terminals vertically: Ctrl + Shift + E
  • Close current Panel: Ctrl + Shift + W
  • Open new tab: Ctrl + Shift + T
  • Move to the terminal above the current one: Alt +
  • Move to the terminal below the current one: Alt +
  • Move to the terminal left of the current one: Alt +
  • Move to the terminal right of the current one: Alt +

This maybe useful.

Here are some useful commands form ArchWiki for the Terminator:

F11 Toggle fullscreen
Ctrl + Shift + O Split terminals horizontally
Ctrl + Shift + E Split terminals vertically
Ctrl + Shift + W Close current Panel
Ctrl + Shift + T Open new tab
Alt + Move to the terminal above the current one
Alt + Move to the terminal below the current one
Alt + Move to the terminal left of the current one
Alt + Move to the terminal right of the current one

You cal also check out the settings to see all Keyboard shortcuts or to set your own shortcuts.

Although I like @incBrain response because he provides several shortcuts, in order to move between terminal tabs, these two work for me:

Ctrl + tab Next terminal in the current tab

Ctrl + Shift + tab Previous in the current tab

Ctrl + Page Up Next tab

Ctrl + Page Down Previous tab

  1. vi ~/.config/terminator/config
  2. set up

------------ before ------------ 
    switch_to_tab_1 = 
    switch_to_tab_10 =
    switch_to_tab_2 = 
    switch_to_tab_3 = 
    switch_to_tab_4 = 
    switch_to_tab_5 =
    switch_to_tab_6 =
    switch_to_tab_7 =
    switch_to_tab_8 =
    switch_to_tab_9 =

------------ after ------------ 
    switch_to_tab_1 = <Alt>1
    switch_to_tab_10 =
    switch_to_tab_2 = <Alt>2
    switch_to_tab_3 = <Alt>3
    switch_to_tab_4 = <Alt>4
    switch_to_tab_5 = <Alt>5
    switch_to_tab_6 = <Alt>6
    switch_to_tab_7 = <Alt>7
    switch_to_tab_8 = <Alt>8
    switch_to_tab_9 = <Alt>9

In the Terminal window, right click on mouse, select Preferences > Key settings > switch_to_tab_1~10 keybinding > Enter shortcut to use