MacBook Pro RAM upgrade is causing beeping sound?

I just upgraded the RAM in my MacBook Pro (15" 2 GHz Intel Core i7 - early 2011 model) from two 2gb modules to two 4gb modules. Started up just fine and ran great for about 10 minutes. Then the screen froze and the computer started beeping. After some google searches I found that it is caused by either a) bad RAM or b) the RAM is inserted incorrectly. My guess is that the computer shouldn't start if it's bad RAM. Others online report their computers beeping on startup. I tried repositioning the RAM to make sure it's in tight. The same thing happened.

The computer recognizes the RAM - it shows up in About My Mac. The RAM is Corsair 8gb 1333 MHz DDR3.

What's going on?

How many beeps are you hearing. A discussion thread on Apple's site suggests that 3 beeps is a sign of a bad memory bank. So maybe the connection is solid enough to display in About this Mac but "loose" enough for the MBP to see properly use the RAM? Trying to think of a better way to phrase that last bit.

I have experienced a similar problem and sent my memory modules back in to crucial to get replaced.

The memory worked fine for a while but then I had it happen again to me last week.

I have a mid 2012 macbook pro with i5 and integrated graphics. I also have my computer hooked up to a monitor through the mini display port.

I have found that when I have mac hooked to monitor and either sleep or shut down while it is connected to the monitor and unhook it and try to power it up I will get the beeps. The only way to fix this is to open computer and remove memory modules and then reboot. Its something to do with the mac handling of the memory when attached to a different display, and then trying to power up the computer without the display attached anymore. The computer still thinks it is attached to screen and when I try to power up from the laptop display the computer does not know how to start.

I have fixed this problem by:

  1. opening the laptop while still attached to monitor
  2. disconnecting the mini display cable from the mac
  3. powering down the computer from laptop display

This has solved my memory beep problem. It might be helpful to try a purge of your memory in case the OSX is having problems handling the off market memory modules. Open terminal, type into terminal, "sudo purge", and then it will ask you to enter your admin password. This will clear out the processes that might be stuck in your memory. However, OSX should be able to do this on its own.

If your computer is running and the screen starts changing colors or just freezes and you have to do a force restart (followed by memory beeps) you will need to go to crucial website and do a warranty exchange. All RAM has a lifetime limited warranty. You can complete an online return RMA at:

Hope this helps

I had the same three beeps with my Early 2008 iMac when I tried to go from 2 to 4 RAM. Making sure the door that you had to screw off to access the RAM is very tightly screwed back in fixed it for me.