How to uninstall Corel Painter Internal Audio Driver in OS X Yosemite

I found a post about uninstallation of this audio driver. There is a kernel extension named PainterAudioDriver.kext in /System/Library/Extensions/ that adds the audio driver to the kernel space. To ensure that the kernel extension is loaded I used kextstat:

kextstat | grep corel

The result was:

  131    0 0xffffff7f80fde000 0x4000     0x4000     com.corel.painter.PainterAudioDriver (1) <96 5 4 3>

Then to unload the kernel extension I used kextunload that is explained here:

sudo kextunload -b com.corel.painter.PainterAudioDriver

After that the Internal Audio Driver (Corel Painter) is removed from both Sound menu bar and Audio MIDI Setup. To prevent the driver from loading again while rebooting the system, the kernel extension file must be removed from /System/Library/Extensions/ with this command:

sudo rm -r /System/Library/Extensions/PainterAudioDriver.kext

The Corel Painter Internal Audio Driver is uninstalled now.