Compiz Rotate Cube - glitchy windows? [closed]

I've gotten the desktop cube and rotate cube effects to work. (And it works perfectly when I use the mouse). Unfortunately, it's a little messed up when I use the keyboard (Left/Right).

It switches fine, but when it gets to the new face of the cube then the windows of the cube I just left flash onto the screen for a second. (Example: I currently have a chromium window opened. When I press Right then the cube rotates as it should. When it gets to the new side the chromium window 'flashes' for a moment--even though it's on the other side of the cube.)

Also, (and this is mostly what I want to fix), when I use Right/Left (it should 'rotate Right/Left with window') the awesome animation of the window 'bending' around the cube occurs, but when it gets to the new side it 'flashes' and doesn't come back. It's still on the original cube face.

Sorry for my lengthy description... any ideas?

Edit: Forgot to say: I did this on my laptop running ubuntu 11.10. Thought it might have been just a laptop thing, but I installed ubuntu 11.10 on my desktop today and it did the same thing.

The move to other cube face - causes a "flash" is registered as a bug at Ubuntu's launchpad:

You can subscribe - to get mails on the subject, including when the bug will be fixed, at the above link. As for the "move window to other cube face" - which doesn't move the window - looking for a solution to that myself - a really useful feature.