Gnome Tweak Tool does not show extensions

I cannot use the user the gnome-shell-extensions-user-theme because there is no button on the tweak tool to enable extensions! I've completely uninstalled and reinstalled the gnome-tweak-tool, no difference. Any suggestions? Bruce.

I had the same problem. Seems that the file metadata.json has a wrong shell-version. At least for Ubuntu 11.10. To solve the issue I had to:

  • cd ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
  • cd into the desired extension directory.
  • edit the metadata.json file and change
"shell-version": [ "3.3.2" ] 
"shell-version": [ "3.2" ],
  • logout from Gnome-Shell and login again. Now you should see all the estensions in gnome-tweak-tool.

This is a weird answer.. after a clean installation of Ubuntu 13.04 i realized that neither the works (all the extensions are greyed out) nor the Gnome Tweak tool worked..

I tried following many steps (and reverting them). The simplest was to go back to the Login page and change the desktop manager from the default Ubuntu to Gnome.. That fixed all the issues.

Hope this helps.

@Tymoteusz Stępień 's Answer worked for me. I had been trying to solve this issue for the last 2 months, googled a lot, read a lot of post but none worked. However this answer worked like a charm.

Note: Make sure that, the directory name of extension you are manually trying to install is the same as the value of uuid in the metadata.json file of that extension.

I installed the extension GSConnect . In my case the value of uuid was: "[email protected]" inside of ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/

You can check uuid of your extension using

egrep "uuid" ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/{YourExtensionNameHere}/metadata.json

The output for me was "uuid": "[email protected]",.

Copy the value of uuid without the double quotation marks, here [email protected] and rename the directory of that extension to the value of its uuid.

In my case I renamed the directory


[email protected]

inside of
