PHP json_encode class private members

Solution 1:

The best method to serialize an object with private properties is to implement the \JsonSerializable interface and then implement your own JsonSerialize method to return the data you require to be serialized.


class Item implements \JsonSerializable
    private $var;
    private $var1;
    private $var2;

    public function __construct()
        // ...

    public function jsonSerialize()
        $vars = get_object_vars($this);

        return $vars;

json_encode will now serialize your object correctly.

Solution 2:

If you're using php 5.4 you can use the JsonSerializable interface:

You just implement a jsonSerialize method in your class which returns whatever you want to be encoded.

Then when you pass your object into json_encode, it'll encode the result of jsonSerialize.

Solution 3:

I think @Petah's got the best approach, but that way you lose properties that are array or object. So I added a function wich do that recursively:

function json_encode_private($object) {

    function extract_props($object) {
        $public = [];

        $reflection = new ReflectionClass(get_class($object));

        foreach ($reflection->getProperties() as $property) {

            $value = $property->getValue($object);
            $name = $property->getName();

            if(is_array($value)) {
                $public[$name] = [];

                foreach ($value as $item) {
                    if (is_object($item)) {
                        $itemArray = extract_props($item);
                        $public[$name][] = $itemArray;
                    } else {
                        $public[$name][] = $item;
            } else if(is_object($value)) {
                $public[$name] = extract_props($value);
            } else $public[$name] = $value;

        return $public;

    return json_encode(extract_props($object));

EDIT: Added is_object() check inside the array loop to avoid a get_class() exception in the next extract_props() call when the array elements are not objects, like strings or numbers.