JavaScript : For loop with timeout

I want that my for loop should not be executed at once, but wait for timeout after each iteration. For eg :

for(var i=0; i<10; i++) {
    //wait for 1000

I found many solutions on stack-overflow like this one :

for (var i=0;i<=10;i++) {
   (function(ind) {
       setTimeout(function(){console.log(ind);}, 3000);

But in all the implementations, the loop waits for 3000 milli-seconds initially and then executes the whole for loop at once. Is there a way that each iteration is called after waiting for 1000 milli-seconds.

You can work that out with simple math :

for (var i=0;i<=10;i++) {
   (function(ind) {
       setTimeout(function(){console.log(ind);}, 1000 + (3000 * ind));

1000ms : 0
4000ms : 1
7000ms : 2
10000ms : 3
13000ms : 4

Following the comments

It seem that your request is a bit blurry. if you want to do something after the last timeout, you can set a limit and compare the current index :

var limit = 10
for (var i=0;i<=limit;i++) {
   (function(ind) {
           if(ind === limit){
               console.log('It was the last one');
       }, 1000 + (3000 * ind));

Fiddle :

I think I know what you want...

and it is to simply do

for (var i=0;i<=10;i++) {
   (function(ind) {
       setTimeout(function(){console.log(ind);}, 1000 * ind);

Don't make functions within loops, instead:

(function fiveSeconds  (n) {

  if (n < 5) setTimeout(function () {  
    fiveSeconds ( n ); // Redo if n < 5 (and pass n)
  }, 1000);
  console.log( n++ );

} (0)); // Initialize. n is 0

the above will log ten numbers from 0 - 5 at 1 seconds interval.

Modern browsers (and IE10+)

(function fiveSeconds (n) {

  console.log( n++ );

  if (n <= 5) setTimeout( fiveSeconds, 1000, n ); // Redo if n <= 5 (and pass n)
} (0)); // Initialize. n is 0