Create a hotkey /keyboard shortcut to close the Notepad++ Find Results window

Solution 1:

There is, using AutoHotKey. The following script will convert F7 from an open-only shortcut to a toggle; it opens it if it isn't already open, and closes it if it is.

Here is the script:

; Ed Cottrell's AutoHotKey script for toggling the "Find Results" pane/window in Notepad++
; Released under the MIT License (
; Version: 1.1
; Release Date: January 15, 2014
; Released on
; Also released at

; Turn F7 into a toggle for the Notepad++ search results window; currently it shows it, but doesn't hide it.
; The $ prevents this from firing itself
Open := 0
SetTitleMatchMode 2  ; AHK doesn't seem to recognize the window title otherwise
; See if Notepad++ is the active window or if the undocked results window (ahk_class #32770) is the active window
If WinActive("Notepad++")
    ; If the results pane is open, close it
    ; Button1 is the class name for the title bar and close button of the results pane when docked
    ControlGet, OutputVar, Visible,, Button1, Notepad++
    if ErrorLevel = 0
        If OutputVar > 0
            ; Found it docked
            Open := 1
            ; Get the size and coordinates of the title bar and button
            ControlGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, Button1
            ; Set the coordinates of the close button
            X := Width - 9
            Y := 5
            ; Send a click
            ControlClick, Button1,,,,, NA x%X% y%Y%
; If it is undocked, use ahk_class #32770
else If WinExist("Find result ahk_class #32770")
    ; Found it undocked
    Open := 1
    ; Close it
; It's not open, so open it
if Open = 0
    SendInput {F7}

I hope this helps everyone else out there who loves Notepad++!

Edited to fix error in detection of undocked window.