How to change to new themes in PyCharm?

so I installed these PyCharm themes here

Installed into a random folder, but where do I put these themes so I can change them in PyCharm?

Currently I still only see default, and Darcula.

Solution 1:

File -> Import Settings -> select the .jar file and restart PyCharm.

If it isn't applied automatically you can select it in File -> Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts.

Solution 2:

I've stumbled into this question while searching for the same issue. 2 years have passed after this question was asked and in the meantime PyCharm has reached v. 5.0.3.

Unfortunately the GitHub link provided in the post above was not so illuminating, at least for me, so I started investigating on my own among PyCharm folders in Windows (mine is 7 Pro, bu I thik this applies also for other versions).

Here's what I discovered:

  • There's a particular place in user's folder, from where PyCharm gets information about themes: its location is: %USERPROFILE%.PyCharm50\config\colors\

    To discover the exact path, just run a Command Prompt and type "set" to list environment variables; look for USERPROFILE value and you're done (usually it's *c:\users\UserName*)


  • Download a theme from here: [][1] (e.g. "Cobalt"), saved to a temporary folder

  • using any zip-compatible program, such as 7zip, WinZip or Total Commander (which really rocks :) ), unzip the .jar file in the config folder. Make sure you select to unzip recursive folders!

  • (re)Start PyCharm, and you should see your new theme applied. If not, go to Configuration (Alt-F7), Editor >> Colors & Fonts section and click Scheme Pull-down: the new them should be listed there.

Happy Pythoning, Max - Italy

Solution 3:

As of the most recent version of PyCharm (2017.2) this process is a lot more simplified.

On a Mac: Preferences | Editor | Color Scheme - Click the settings cog next to Scheme and select Import Scheme... Then select the .icls file for the theme you want to add.

Solution 4:

Even simpler in 2021 (I'm PyCharm 2020.3.3), if you are just looking for a pre-made theme:

  1. Open Project Settings (Ctrl-Alt-S)
  2. Select the Plugins section and type the word 'theme' in the Marketplace search box:

enter image description here

  1. Pick the theme(s) you like and click the install button.

Nowadays, there is a big number of choices around, so you probably find one that is just good for you (it can be customized as you like, anyway).