ssh channel hangs after authentication

I've just came to the same problem as above while using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), and the solutions mentioned before did not work for me.

I finally resolved the problem by rebooting the WSL. At the PowerShell in the administrative mode just type in: Restart-Service LxssManager

I was inspired by the solution given in Rebooting Ubuntu on Windows without rebooting Windows?

I'm also on WSL. Killing all running instances of C:\WINDOWS\System32\bash.exe fixed it. Before that, opening new bash instances didn't work.

I assume that others have tried rebooting, without success, so I don't think this solution is widely applicable, but hopefully my data point will help someone figure out what's going on.

I had several bash instances open, and some of them had been open for weeks, so maybe a shared exponential backoff value wasn't getting reset. Earlier today, Windows's network icon was (falsely) reporting that I didn't have network access, so maybe that had something to do with it.