how to disable email confirmation in gitlab in private network

Recently I installed the gitlab for my LAN. When my users are trying to create their accounts they are getting email confirmation message. Now my question is I want to disable whole email confirmation feature and everything. For that what file i have to configure in the gitlab configuration files how to do this? which options i have to change i am very poor in ruby please explain in detail.

Hi i needed recently to patch gitlab for skipping confirmation for LDAP users. I do not consider this as a good patch but it works.

vim /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/lib/api/users.rb:

  post do
                                # <patch:     
    if attrs[:extern_uid]       # skip confirmation for LDAP users
       user.skip_confirmation!  #
    end                         # >

      present user, with: Entities::UserFull

Restart is obviously required ( gitlab-ctl restart )

Based on answer in google group:!topic/gitlabhq/ctf8x0xpOOE

Since version 7.9.0 E-Mail confirmation can be skipped by including a confirm parameter into your JSON. For example, if you want to create a user Jenkins without email confirmation you do a POST with the following payload against your local gitlab API:

POST /api/v3/users?private_token=<administrator token>
 "email" : "[email protected]",
 "password" : "123456",
 "name" : "Jenkins CI Server",
 "username" : "jenkins",
 "confirm" : "no"

Parameters email, password, name and username are mandatory. The change was introduced with this commit. As you might see, the confirm parameter may also be one of false, 0 and f to disable email confirmation.