erase ubuntu and reinstall will it affect windows and other windows partitions

I am trying to install a fresh version of Ubuntu in my computer without touching the windows 10 dual boot!

In the Installation Type, the first option seems exactly what i wanted to do.

enter image description here

My question is, is this feature is safe to use? because i don't want to lose any windows files and other NTFS partitions on the hard-disk. Please eliminate my confusion.

Note as that i dont need any files or media which are in the ubuntu partition, Thanks.

It's saying that the partition that you have created as logical, i.e,

/dev/sda7 which is of type swap and

the partition /dev/sda8 of type ext4

will be formatted and made clean to make space for the new installation of Ubuntu OS.

Can confirm, used the first option of "Erase Ubuntu 16.04 and Reinstall". Afterwards my partition with Ubuntu was formatted and the Windows 10 partition was untouched.